New beginnings start

Catherine Nelson,

I love this profession because it is so versatile. I was a social work officer with the Air Force, developed a women offender program for a military prison, worked in inpatient, outpatient, ran a social work internship program for the Army and started case management for the nursery unit of a hospital.

I'm trained in a wide variety of treatment modalities and enjoy pulling from these to address your individual needs. I draw from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), EMDR and Motivational Interviewing the most, but am also trained in CPT, PE, EFT and CBCT.

I am a voracious audiobook listener and keep a list I share with interested clients. I believe reading keeps my practice fresh. I'm also passionate about volunteering. Prior to finding Raleigh, I enjoyed living all over the country, including Minnesota, Nebraska, California, Nevada, Oregon, Florida, Maine, North Carolina, Texas, and South Carolina. Each state has its own personality, but Raleigh is and feels like home!

I’m not the right fit for everyone, but I also feel strongly about assisting in any way possible to make sure you do find the best fit.

Kathy Moriarty

Kathy is fascinated by people. She always has been, whether she was sitting at the grown-ups table at family get-togethers listening to her mom and aunts talk about their lives; studying sociology and later social work to understand forces that impact how people live, work, and play; or working in marketing and communications and figuring out how to best communicate and connect with people. She does, however, draw the line at reality TV; she can't stomach it and is quite content to watch other shows (preferably murder mysteries or teen rom-coms).

Kathy is also fascinated by relationships. How they work (or sometimes don't). What rules or norms are part of the dynamic. In romantic relationships, how the couple goes about making decisions and how things are executed. She has been married for 11 years and has seen her own relationship change with time and experience, and has become more attune to the varied relationships around her.

Kathy grew up in Maine and still considers herself a Mainer, even though she's also lived in Boston, Chicago, and now lives near Raleigh, NC. She loves trying new things (like starting a podcast!), and she and her husband have two awesome kids.


Get in touch with Catherine.