Life truly is about

Get therapy from the comfort of your home.

This is your Life

I wonder if I shared my questions, struggles, fears, past hurts...

could someone help me?

And your Life is About Choices

I can choose to ask for help.  I can choose to share and be open.  I can choose

to make time.  I can choose to give it everything I have.  I can choose hope...


Hope changes Everything.


Animals offer us
unconditional acceptance

and I strive to do the same.

Our services

about Catherine Nelson

Catherine Nelson, PhD, LCSW

"I am forever grateful for you guiding me to such a good place"


Get started with Catherine.

All uninsured and self-pay clients have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) of cost associated with anticipated services. The GFE will be provided orally at the time of scheduling the first appointment, as well as in writing prior to the first appointment