How to Make the Most out of Therapy

Every Choice Matters

You made the decision to start therapy. You found someone who seems like a fit. Now how do you make the most out of this experience?

My first recommendation is to take notes during the sessions. Think about it, what are the chances the end of an hour that you will remember all the key things that you want to take away? I tell my clients – take notes in your phone, bring a notebook, I’ve even had some people take notes on their laptop. Pro Tip: Not only does this help in capturing highlights of the session; I find that people who do this also tend to come to sessions with written thoughts, questions, follow ups. In my opinion this keeps the sessions more connected with your day-to-day life and not as an isolated event.

Interestingly, I initially put this on myself. I would create a bright colored sticky note during the session that bulleted key points and give it to the client at the end. However, the client taking the notes makes so much more sense and it also encourages ownership of the process.

My second recommendation is that if you connect with the therapist and you are motivated – ask for book suggestions. This can really complement and enhance the work you are doing. I know a big part of my practice is continually reading material and then having an idea of who could benefit from which book/s.

My third, and final (for here) recommendation is – again, if you are motivated – to ask for homework. This doesn’t have to be formal, just ‘What can I do between sessions to keep moving the ball forward?’. Not all therapists give homework, but if you ask I believe many will try to keep it in mind.

The bottom line is you are investing your time and resources in this experience, so why not get as much as possible out of it?!